Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Shattering Common Pregnancy Myths

You see, as a health and fitness expert, my passion is teaching women what's true and false when it comes to having a healthy pregnancy. (There's so much misinformation being spread out there, it really frustrates me.)
And, the FIRST thing I want you to know is you don't have to take months (or years) to get back into your pre-pregnancy shape after having your baby. I know some people say it takes at least 9 months, but that is just not true!
The truth is, you CAN have a happy and healthy baby while getting back into shape quickly and easily--sometimes in as little as 37 days. Not only that, you can actually improve your health... and your shape... during your pregnancy. (More on this in a minute.)
But that pregnancy myth is just the tip of the iceberg. Many women are completely confused when it comes to pregnancy and health. The lies they've been told make me so frustrated I can hardly stand it.
These good women don't know what foods, supplements, beauty products, and exercises are safe, or dangerous, during each trimester. And they don't know the simple tricks you can use to.